Saturday, 19 July 2008
Are Short Term Financial Gains Killing Our Planet?
The polar ice caps are melting, species are facing extinction and our climate has become more erratic than ever before. It is impossible to deny the need for intense change in the face of today’s gathering ecological crises. Now that scientific facts support the theories behind global warming, why aren’t more people paying attention—and how do we stop the damage?
Jonathon Porritt, adviser to the UK Prime Minister and author of the new book, “Capitalism as if the World Matters,” (Earthscan 2007) says the first step towards implementing change is to alter the approach to conventional environmentalism. To win people over and get them on board, he suggests focusing on the positive. “Change will not come by threatening people with yet more ecological doom and gloom,” says Porritt. “The necessary changes have to be seen as good for people, their health and their quality of life – and not just good for future generations.”
As the book title suggests, the biggest players in the game- businesses and politicians- must undergo a paradigm shift. “Anything vaguely resembling ‘business-as-usual’ is no less than a death warrant for the highest ideals of contemporary civilization,” says Porritt. “And that means we have to dig a lot deeper than today’s superficial, febrile political debates seem inclined to do.”
While Porritt acknowledges the big picture can be very threatening, he believes positive and profound change is possible. Through his work with Forum for the Future, an organization that works with a very wide range of some of the world’s biggest international companies, Porritt acts as an adviser to a number of chief executives. Porritt says the message that capitalism can be a change-agent for our future is starting to resonate. “Like it or not (and the vast majority of people do), capitalism is now the only economic game in town,” says Porritt. “And that, of course, means that the emerging solutions have to be fashioned with the embrace of capitalism.”
Porritt suggests that today’s model of capitalism is more and more dependent upon liquidating our necessary natural resources. This in turn has a ripple effect of magnifying divides between the rich and the poor worldwide.
Porritt suggests that there are three ways we can transform capitalism in order to stop this from getting worse:
•Pay real prices for the things that we take out of nature
•Get the balance right between the short and long term
•Promote responsible consumption (energy, food, travel, etc)
“This combination is the most likely to provide a serious political alternative to today’s economic and political beliefs,” say Porritt. “Sustainable growth is understood as answering the inescapable challenge of living within our “natural limits,” providing unique opportunities for responsible and innovative capital creators, and offering people a more equitable and more rewarding way of life.”
“Capitalism as if the World Matters” offers real-world solutions to the ‘destruction of the world’ problems that our global society faces. Porritt has put his experience to work, outlining frameworks for sustainable capitalism and pointing to the initiatives some governments and businesses are already beginning to follow. As Porritt so adroitly points out, unless conventional environmentalism throws its weight behind this type of progressive political agenda, the planet will continue to face steep decline.
Book Available at: Amazon and
Visit for more information.
Article Source:
The Power Generated From Sun And Wind
The term green energy refers to the generation of power, usually electrical power, through renewable resources – in other words, using energy sources that don't run out because we've used some of them. Green energy contrasts with power provided by fossil fuel, the emissions of which create toxic hydrocarbons that make us and our earth sick. Some green energy sources are sun, wind and water.
Green energy produced by the sun is called solar energy, generally captured through solar panels. There are two types of these solar panels. Each uses its own technology to create this green solar energy. Solar water heater collectors are green energy panels that absorb the suns energy and transfer it to water to heat it Solar or photovoltaic electric panels transform the radiation from the sun directly into electrical energy. For the best efficiency in solar green energy homeowners or contractors should mount the panels on a roof that faces south and at a 30 degree angle from the horizontal, and not near any shade or shadow caused by surrounding buildings, trees or chimneys.
Solar energy systems for water hearing are the most popular green energy in use in the United Kingdom. Connected to a homes hot water system, the solar panels provide more than half of each UK households hot water for a year. The two choices in solar collectors to heat water are evacuated tubes or flat plates.
Wind has been a source of green energy for several years. The primary early use of this green energy is to pump water and mill grain. Recently improvements in the technology of wind turbines have enabled the use of harnessed wind for the generation of electricity. In high wind areas such as Palm Springs CA, for example, you'll see hundreds of wind turbines turning continually on the hills along the major thoroughfares. The electricity these generate then get exported to a grid for local use or for energizing a standalone application.
Wind as green energy has enormous potential both offshore and onshore for farming. It is one of the safest and cleanest of any of the renewable energy methods. The largest green energy source is the UK's use of wind energy. There you'll find small green energy battery charging by wind at the lower end of the wind energy spectrum and huge wind farms that produce vast amounts of electricity at the higher end. While wind is currently producing less than one percent of the worlds energy green or otherwise, it has the potential for providing more than 10 percent. The expectation is that this will happen within the next twenty years, especially due to its highly competitive cost. Green energy from wind is very simple to create and maintain, and still leaves the surrounding land available for farming or development.
Of course, as with any green energy, neither solar or wind energy produce emissions or pollutants during their operation. About the only negative for either is the fact that some folks object to the look of the wind turbines, claiming it has a negative visual impact. Others disagree.
Article Source:
Saturday, 12 July 2008
How to use guided imagery to overcome self doubt
By Kiwan Rockefeller, Ph.D. in Success on March 16th, 2007.
Confidence is a tricky thing. One moment you feel on top of the world, able to accomplish all your hopes and dreams, and the next minute you feel your knees buckle - you become tongue-tied and are unable to even say hello. How can confidence be so strong one moment and then so fleeting and elusive the next. What magic ingredients do superconfident people possess that make them appear unflappable? And, most importantly, you ask, How can I become more confident and self-assured in life
Real Confidence: What It Is and What It Isn't
Like a strong tree that bends in hurricane-force winds, real confidence is rooted in what your inherent abilities are, and firmly grounded in the core belief that you do have the skills to act with certainty and assurance. Often times marked by a feeling of relaxed coolness, real confidence gives you freedom from embarrassment, and the conviction that "I can do it!" As faith in yourself, real confidence stems from faith in yourself. It is without haughtiness or conceit; it is the recognition that you are adequate, capable, competent and have the resources to accomplish the tasks at hand.
Real confidence isn't something on the outside that you need to acquire, a specific quality of life in the far-off distant future, or the expectation of reaching an unrealistic goal without applying yourself. It's important to know that real confidence isn't arrogant, aggressive, or stubborn. It doesn't require brute willpower, or sheer force of personality. Neither is real confidence manipulative, controlling of others, or demanding. Most certainly, real self-confidence isn't about making others yield to your demands or making them feel inferior while they cower beneath your supremacy.
Yours to Reclaim
When nurtured from childhood, real confidence gives you a solid foundation for independence. When your parents or caretakers instill self-reliance in you, even when you make mistakes, you grow up knowing you can trust yourself.
But many of us have to find this out ourselves and struggle to reclaim confidence as our natural birthright. Even if you were vulnerable in childhood when your basic beliefs were formed, with each passing day you have the opportunity to reclaim your confidence and banish deceptive feelings of helplessness. Your feelings of helplessness can be replaced with the conviction that you have what it takes, you can feel better about yourself, and that you can create positive growth in your life.
Real confidence is within you at all times. It's always been there; it's just been misplaced, forgotten, or trampled upon. Real confidence is your natural birthright. What makes this book unique is that you can use guided imagery and the power of your own imagination to feel confident.
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
Have you ever remodeled a room? Planned a vacation? Gotten dressed in the morning? Have you ever applied for a new job, prepared to make a speech, or worried about a difficult conversation in the future? Any activity that requires you to look ahead into the future, or plan ahead all begins with a picture in your mind, or an image.
Beliefs, feelings, attitudes, and ideas are represented and deeply rooted in imagery. Imagery can be thought of initially as pictures in your mind; yet imagery is so much more than pictures in your mind. It is a full sensory experience; it's made of thoughts that you can see, feel, hear, taste, and smell. Imagery can be about events that have happened in the past or have yet to happen. Rich in symbols, imagery tells us how we see ourselves, how we see others, and how we plan for the future. Imagery is a window into your inner world - the world of dreams, daydreams, fantasies, and your creative imagination. Imagery is also a reflection of your outer world, the world of self-image and confidence. My new book, ‘Visualize Confidence: How To Use Guided Imagery to Overcome Self-Doubt‘ (2007) will help you focus the power of your creative imagination, by using your natural ability to image, and to gain new levels of confidence.
Negative Imagery
Many of the images we hold in our minds, such as pleasant memories, a beautiful sunset, a prayer or meditation, an upcoming summer vacation, are positive and life affirming. However, most of the time the images we play over and over in our minds are fearful, worrisome, and full of self-doubt. These are the images that undermine our confidence.
Let?s say you've been asked to give a new marketing strategy presentation to senior management at work. As you begin preparing for this event, you automatically remember presenting your sixth-grade book report. Your body starts to tense up, your heart begins to race, your palms begin to sweat, your muscles tighten - and now, instead of feeling confident, you're anxious and afraid. The negative imagery has put you in a bad mood and you begin to project all the things that could go wrong. You start to ruminate on a variety of negative thoughts and images: "Will the boss be pleased" Will I embarrass myself in front of all my colleagues? What if I stutter? What if I sweat? I can't handle this!? Your confidence flies out the window as a cascade of activity begins in your brain, clouding your mind and making your body a hodgepodge of muscle tension, aches and pains. And your confidence tanks.
Not a positive picture, is it?
Positive Imagery
Now, let's imagine you've spent years dreaming about going to Italy. You've watched all the travel and history shows on television about Rome and the Renaissance, and your favorite food is spaghetti. In your mind's eye, you can see yourself cruising along the Mediterranean or floating down Venice's Grand Canal in a gondola, your fingers gently skimming the cool water. You daydream about standing in the Sistine Chapel imagining Michelangelo maneuvering the heights on scaffolding. You're tasting wine in Tuscany and smelling the delicious aroma of food being prepared in a little out-of-the-way neighborhood restaurant. You picture yourself flying across the ocean and landing in another world, thinking, Hey, I'm finally here; this is a dream come true! You're confident your trip will be great.
Now, this is a positive picture!
The Mind Is a Powerful Ally
Your mind responds equally to both negative and positive images. It doesn't matter what you're imagining because your mind and body don't know the difference. This process of responding equally to both negative and positive imagery is the basis of your creative imagination empowerment. It's this very basic process that you'll learn to harness by reading this book.
In today's Western world, the power of the imagination isn't always valued, except in specific artistic endeavors. Our culture often tends to downplay it as insignificant or frivolous and not having much to do with day-to-day life. Many people dismiss imagination with an it's all in your head attitude, as if this were a bad thing. We've forgotten or misplaced the awareness that creative imagination opens our souls and minds to new possibilities and opportunities not available to the cognitive, rational mind.
When you learn to focus your creative imagination, you'll have at your disposal a powerful ally. Your creative imagination is a partner available to you anytime and anyplace to help you turn your dreams into reality and gain confidence. With focus and learning to utilize this power, you'll be able to live free from self-doubt and become the person you've always wanted to be.
In his bestseller The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (2004), Stephen Covey suggests that when you use the power of your creative imagination you align with your deepest values in life, because the creative imagination is personal, positive, visual, and emotional. And don't you deserve to live the best life possible, free from self-doubt Of course you do! There's no need to let self-doubt stop you cold, time and time again.
Excerpted from Visualize Confidence, copyright (c) 2007 by Kirwan Rockefeller. Used with permission of the publisher, New Harbinger Publications. For more information visit: Kirwan Rockefeller’s website
Available at amazon:
Visualize Confidence: How to Use Guided Imagery to Overcome Self-doubt
Thursday, 3 July 2008
Help protect rainforests and wildlife habitats.
The World Land Trust is a international conservation organisation who's patron is none other than David Attenborough.
World land trust has helped purchase and protect more than 300,000 acres of rainforest, wetlands and other threatened wildlife habitats worldwide by working with local indigenous peoples.
You can help them save and protect even more of our planet, by making an online donation. £50 or the equivalent saves an acre of rainforest. The rest of the donation goes to a great cause - looking after the future of this planet.
£25 helps protect half an acre of rainforest with the original 'Save an Acre' conservation charity.
Because they take Direct Action to save threatened habitats.
Rainforests absorb Carbon Dioxide (CO2) the main greenhouse gas which is the main contribution towards global warming.
They take direct action to save tropical forests and other wildlife habitats: they buy it, acre by acre.
The land they buy is protected indefinitely as private reserves owned and managed by local organisations for the benefit of both wildlife and people.
Their Mission
* To protect and sustainably manage natural ecosystems of the world. To conserve their biodiversity, with emphasis on threatened habitats and endangered species;
* To develop partnerships with local individuals, communities and organisations to engage support and commitment among the people who live in project areas;
* To raise awareness, in the UK and elsewhere, of the need for conservation, to improve understanding and generate support through education, information and fundraising.
Please visit here to help the planet.

Turbo Tagger
Learn the secrets of Seduction
The course is on a hard drive for study in your own time at home.
It is backed up with 1-2-1 coaching and mentoring sessions to suit your schedule, needs and personal goals.
You will learn specific NLP and Hypnosis techniques.
These are proven to enhance communication skills in any setting.
Learn life changing powerful 'ways of being' useful not only in Seduction but also in Sport, Sales, Leadership, Relationships and Management.
Get it now! You will change your life forever.
The Course is the equivalent of more than 40 DVD's.
The unique ‘5 C’s Model’ integrates how to be:
Cool, Calm, Comfortable, Confident and in Control, anytime, anywhere, with anyone.
Get your inner game sorted, now!
This course is run by James Angove a Master NLP practitioner who is based in Cardiff Wales. James set up the Bio Unit in the early 1980's and was pioneering in being one of the first alternative therapy centers, as well as being the first NLP practitioner in Wales.
You can visit his sites here
The Bio Unit
Therapist Online
NLP Training
Seduction Wales
Enhance your Relationships
Then visit Venus2Uranus with an incredible range of Sex Aids / Toys, Lingerie, DVDs etc.
They are a no nonsense company that is growing fast through its customer service reputation, after-sales service and their attention to detail. Specializing in adult products for women, couples and men, they are different from other adult companies in that they design and manufacture their own fabulous range of quality leather bondage and associated leather products.
They have an easy-to-use website which is packed with helpful advice and large, clear images. Their sex toys, lingerie and complimentary products are carefully selected and accurately described; there’s something for every budget and customer requirement. Orders are discreetly billed and packaged, and most are dispatched within 1-2 days.
Venus2Uranus is a company going places.
Photographers rights in the UK
A few of the articles listed here a worth reading especially the one from the guardian.
Innocent photographer or Terrorist from the BBC
Guardian Article
What I suggest is that camera manufacturers such a Canon for example (with their range of affordable Digital Rebel SLR cameras) have a greater advertising campaign for their SLR cameras. As soon as people realise that owning a SLR camera isn't expensive, and that its not rocket science to use one. Then hopefully more people will be walking around and enjoying taking images with them.
In the mean time there is an open e-petition which can be signed if you are a UK citizen which closes on the 13th September 2008. Which asks to clarify the laws surrounding photography in public places.
Petition Here
RU 21 Hangover cure
RU-21 is a revolutionary dietary supplement for consumers of alcohol.
RU-21 is a safe and effective dietary supplement for consumers of alcohol developed by scientists at the Russian Academy of Science over the course of a 25 year long research project studying alcohol metabolism.
Sales of RU-21 throughout the world are now reaching record levels. Already a hit in America RU-21 is now a worldwide phenomenon! Shortly after the initial market tests monthly sales figures of RU-21 in South Korea alone topped $2.5 million.
RU-21 is an all-natural supplement that has been clinically proven to regulate alcohol metabolism in order to prevent alcohol-related damage to the vital organs of the body.
Following its U.S. launch in 2003 RU21 received coverage in hundreds of leading newspapers, magazines, and TV and radio stations in well over 100 countries, becoming the world's most publicized dietary supplement.
Naturally, success of RU-21 resulted in dozens of copycat products being rushed to market. Many of them blatantly deceive consumers by claiming superior efficacy because of a number of added ingredients.
The truth is that adding a bunch of extra ingredients, even if they have demonstrated benefits of their own, does NOT automatically enhance the formula that has a specific biochemical purpose. If it did, why not use multivitamins for every need?
In fact, adding ingredients that have no history of clinical testing on account of interaction with alcohol may result in an adverse biochemical reaction that could cause significant harm to a consumer.
RU-21 is a product of many years of research. Its clinically proven efficacy rests on synergistic effects of carefully combined ingredients in meticulously calculated amounts.
To assist the body in processing alcohol, ingredients in RU21 enable certain biochemical reactions that enhance enzyme functions of the body, while oxygenating the cells, keeping the energy levels up and metabolic pathways running properly.
RU-21 is a dietary supplement. All ingredients are considered GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) by the USFDA.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C activates anti-oxidant systems of the central nervous system, liver and hormone-active tissues and supports the adrenal gland cortex, which produces anti-stress hormones.
Succinic and Fumaric Acids
Succinic and Fumaric acids are substrates which are crucial to alcohol metabolism, and important in the Krebs cycle. Succinic and Fumaric acids boost the aerobic oxidation process in mitochondria by activating the second half-cycle of tricarboxylic acids. Succinic substrate, which is independent of NADH-dehydrogenase, prevents the toxic byproducts of ethanol metabolism from causing hypoxia, which often results from the accumulation of suboxidized metabolites, and from impeding NADH oxidation in the respiratory chain of cells.
Please note that RU-21 will not prevent you from getting drunk. It will make the following morning more pleasant.
Buy it from here
global warming & the environment - "Harmful Effects of Deforestation"
Human beings always have been and probably always will be to some extent dependent on forests. Trees were their habitat, their environment, their source of food and their protection from enemies. Forests are very important to man, and other organisms, and one of the biggest problems the world is facing today is the threat of totally losing the forests due to massive deforestation and suffering the harmful effects of deforestation.
Deforestation can be defined as the large scale removal of forests. Deforestation occurs when forests are converted to non-forest areas for urbanization, agriculture, and other reasons without sufficient reforestation. It is the permanent destruction of forests and woodlands.
At present, forests are considered among the most endangered on the planet. Everyday at least 80,000 acres of forest vanish from Earth. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations show that the rates of deforestation has not abated and has actually increased by 8.5% from 2000-2005 compared during the 1990s. FAO has approximated that about 10.4 million hectares of tropical forest have been permanently destroyed from 2000-2005 compared to 10.14 million hectares in the period of 1990-2000.
The process of deforestation is often a complex pattern of progressive fragmentation of the forests. Mistakes of this sort could lead to forest destruction. Along with this destruction is the extinction of many species, heavy soil erosion, greenhouse effect, silting of rivers and dams, flooding, landslides, denuded upland, degraded watershed, and even destruction of corals along the coast.
Extinction of Thousands of Species - Destruction of the forests leads to a tragic loss of biodiversity. Millions of plants and animal species are in danger of disappearing as a result of deforestation. Tropical forests are much more biologically diverse than other forest and a very serious effect of deforestation in tropical countries is the loss of biodiversity.
Heavy Soil Erosion - One function of the forest is that its roots hold the soil in place. Without trees soil erosion and landslides easily happen. When heavy rains and typhoons come, soil is easily carried to lower areas especially to communities at the foot of the mountains.
Greenhouse Effect - Deforestation increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The continued degradation of our forest heightens the threat of global warming because the trees and other plants that takes up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to be used for photosynthesis are gone. The burning of wood or its decay contributes to the release of more carbon which combines with oxygen in the atmosphere thus increasing further the levels of carbon dioxide that causes greenhouse effect.
Silting of Rivers and Dams - Deforestation results in the silting of rivers sediments deposit which shortens its life span and clogs irrigation system. As a result of deforestation, the reservoir behind many dams are filled with sediments more rapidly than expected.
Flooding - One major importance of forest is that they absorb water quickly in great amount during heavy rains. But due to massive deforestation there are no trees to absorb the water thus resulting to the loss of many lives.
Landslides - The roots of the trees bind soil to it and to the bedrock underlying it. That is how trees prevent soil from getting eroded by natural agents like wind or water. When trees are uprooted, there will be nothing to hold the soil together thus increasing the risk for landslides which can cause seriously threaten the safety of the people and damage their properties.
Denuded Upland - After several harvests of the forest the cleared land is no longer suitable for planting trees. It has become a desert. The transformation of a forest to a semi-desert condition is called desertification.
Degraded Watershed - When forest mountains are denuded, watersheds are degraded and this leads to the loss of sustained water supplies for lowland communities. This is because trees affect the hydrological cycle. They can change the amount of water in the soil, groundwater, and in the atmosphere. Destruction of Corals along the Coast - Coral areas are degraded and coral reefs are affected by siltation. As a result of deforestation there is an increase of flooding during the rainy seasons and decreased stream flow in dry seasons.
The forest provides us with many products and important services. It stops soil erosion, refreshes the air, and protect us from typhoons and other calamities. But if rampant deforestation is not controlled it will result to several problems. In one way or another, the denuded forests will back fire and people will certainly lose to the harmful effects of deforestation.
Human beings always have been and probably always will be to some extent dependent on forests. Trees were their habitat, their environment, their source of food and their protection from enemies. Forests are very important to man, and other organisms, and one of the biggest problems the world is facing today is the threat of totally losing the forests due to massive deforestation and suffering the harmful effects of deforestation.
Deforestation can be defined as the large scale removal of forests. Deforestation occurs when forests are converted to non-forest areas for urbanization, agriculture, and other reasons without sufficient reforestation. It is the permanent destruction of forests and woodlands.
At present, forests are considered among the most endangered on the planet. Everyday at least 80,000 acres of forest vanish from Earth. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations show that the rates of deforestation has not abated and has actually increased by 8.5% from 2000-2005 compared during the 1990s. FAO has approximated that about 10.4 million hectares of tropical forest have been permanently destroyed from 2000-2005 compared to 10.14 million hectares in the period of 1990-2000.
The process of deforestation is often a complex pattern of progressive fragmentation of the forests. Mistakes of this sort could lead to forest destruction. Along with this destruction is the extinction of many species, heavy soil erosion, greenhouse effect, silting of rivers and dams, flooding, landslides, denuded upland, degraded watershed, and even destruction of corals along the coast.
Extinction of Thousands of Species - Destruction of the forests leads to a tragic loss of biodiversity. Millions of plants and animal species are in danger of disappearing as a result of deforestation. Tropical forests are much more biologically diverse than other forest and a very serious effect of deforestation in tropical countries is the loss of biodiversity.
Heavy Soil Erosion - One function of the forest is that its roots hold the soil in place. Without trees soil erosion and landslides easily happen. When heavy rains and typhoons come, soil is easily carried to lower areas especially to communities at the foot of the mountains.
Greenhouse Effect - Deforestation increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The continued degradation of our forest heightens the threat of global warming because the trees and other plants that takes up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to be used for photosynthesis are gone. The burning of wood or its decay contributes to the release of more carbon which combines with oxygen in the atmosphere thus increasing further the levels of carbon dioxide that causes greenhouse effect.
Silting of Rivers and Dams - Deforestation results in the silting of rivers sediments deposit which shortens its life span and clogs irrigation system. As a result of deforestation, the reservoir behind many dams are filled with sediments more rapidly than expected.
Flooding - One major importance of forest is that they absorb water quickly in great amount during heavy rains. But due to massive deforestation there are no trees to absorb the water thus resulting to the loss of many lives.
Landslides - The roots of the trees bind soil to it and to the bedrock underlying it. That is how trees prevent soil from getting eroded by natural agents like wind or water. When trees are uprooted, there will be nothing to hold the soil together thus increasing the risk for landslides which can cause seriously threaten the safety of the people and damage their properties.
Denuded Upland - After several harvests of the forest the cleared land is no longer suitable for planting trees. It has become a desert. The transformation of a forest to a semi-desert condition is called desertification.
Degraded Watershed - When forest mountains are denuded, watersheds are degraded and this leads to the loss of sustained water supplies for lowland communities. This is because trees affect the hydrological cycle. They can change the amount of water in the soil, groundwater, and in the atmosphere. Destruction of Corals along the Coast - Coral areas are degraded and coral reefs are affected by siltation. As a result of deforestation there is an increase of flooding during the rainy seasons and decreased stream flow in dry seasons.
The forest provides us with many products and important services. It stops soil erosion, refreshes the air, and protect us from typhoons and other calamities. But if rampant deforestation is not controlled it will result to several problems. In one way or another, the denuded forests will back fire and people will certainly lose to the harmful effects of deforestation.
Article By: Nathalie Fiset
Article Source:
You can help prevent deforestation by supporting the World Land Trust a charity that buys areas of Tropical rainforest and is actively participating in reforestation as well as other wildlife habitat saving projects.
The Polar Bear Faces Extinction.
As our earths climate warms, these ice-packs are melted and broken apart making it harder for the polar bear to find its food. This causes the polar bear to swim great distances, in order to hunt for its next meal. Wildlife conservationists have actually seen polar bears drown because they just couldn't make it to the nearest ice flow .
Recent study shows that the polar bear populations are declining at an alarming rate . Fewer cubs are being sited every year, which means that their reproductive cycle is being effected also. This animal is slowly being starved to the brink of extinction .
To save the polar bear , we have to start thinking about reducing green house gas emissions. We must find other means to fuel our economy, which could diminish the effects of global warming through time, and lessen our dependence on "fossil fuels".
The polar bear is not the only one of the species in this habitat which are being affected. The Walrus, seal, arctic fox, arctic hare, and many others are being affected also. Oil exploration in the northern regions should be stopped, stopping the potential for human error, and thus preserving our environment. How far will we push our environment without looking back to see the effects it has incurred, and devastation it has caused.
To conclude, Global Warming is a very serious issue in todays fast paced world we live in, lets "hope" that it is recognized globally and dealt with by our politicians and governments because after all, they are the people who can truly make a difference.
If you want to read more on global Warming and fossil fuels, you can visit the authors web-site.
The sooner we start reforestation projects such as the ones funded by the World Land Trust and others the better.
Nature Call for snappers
British waterways is launching the photography competition as part of their annual wildlife survey which records biodiversity on the inland waterways.
The overall winner will be awarded £100 and a separate competition is being run for children aged 12 and under.
For details visit before September 30, 2008.
NLP Hard Drive Practitioner Course
There are as many reasons for studying NLP as there are people. NLP is to be found in use in business, education, psychology, therapy, social work, politics and other areas where advanced ways of communicating are required. Many people study NLP to acquire the life skills it incorporates and are not interested in ‘certification’. At the Welsh Institute for NLP, (WIN), we consider the attainment of NLP for life skills to be paramount as this enhances quality of life and personal development over and above ‘certification’. The majority of people who study NLP with WIN are simply not doing so for ‘certification’ but to obtain the perspective on the world that it apports. At WIN it is held that this is totally in keeping with the spirit of modeling and awareness that was the precursor to its development and continued study.
Hard Drive Contents:
1 Metaphor Training with David Gordon, 5 DVDs.
2 Introduction to NLP;
i Connirae Andreas, Introduction, MP3.
ii The NLP of Achievement, six different trainers, MP3.
iii Intro. to NLP Pocket Book in pdf. Format.
3 NLP Practitioner Course, 8 sections and 2 appendices.
4 Various other NLP examples.
Approaching the course.
The NLP course can now be studied at your own pace and because people learn in different ways, in your own time. The trick is to stay relaxed! Be like a child, be curious, when you see something that interests you, you can pause the drive, have a think, then go over it again. Learning NLP puts you in a special group of people. For instance you’ll learn;
- How the mind works.
- How you can get along with just about anybody.
- What you can learn about others from their unconscious body language.
- The secret power of using the right tone of voice.
- The hidden hypnotic power of the correct phrase.
- How to be aware of your own hang-ups and what to do about them.
And much more.
Enjoy the adventure of learning NLP. Some people simply watch for an hour a day, then read that part of the workbook, then observe and try it. You can practice with yourself,
Special language skills, reading body language, experimenting and making changes on yourself. If you can find someone to practice with so much the better. Some people find it useful to keep a diary of progress.
How to learn in this training
Robert Dilts once interviewed a very successful inventor to discover his strategy for creativity. When Robert asked, "What do you do when you think you have the solution to a problem, you try it, and it doesn't work?" The inventor replied, "Oh, that's just a solution to a different problem."
- Feel free to make mistakes, and glean from them all the learning you can.
- Do something you wouldn't ordinarily do, and discover what happens.
- Practice, practice, practice.
- Focus on your personal communication goals, and stretch.
- Remember that performance and learning are different. Learning happens best in a relaxed, comfortable state of mind. Studying this course affords learning. Applying what you learn affords improved performance.
- Give yourself lots of feedback about how you learn.
- Suspend judgment and criticism (especially of yourself) during the learning process. An open-minded sceptic can learn. Sometimes people experience confusion in a learning state.
- Relax, accept and trust that your confusion will resolve.
- Practice each skill again. By making the effort to practice each skill at least six times, it is more likely you will integrate the material to a level of unconscious competence.
The ‘Four Stages of Learning’
- Unconscious Incompetence
- Conscious Incompetence
- Conscious Competence
- Unconscious Competence
~ Be kind to yourself and enjoy each stage!
This course is run by James Angove a Master NLP practitioner who is based in Cardiff, Wales. James set up the Welsh Institute of NLP the early 1980's and was pioneering in being one of the first alternative therapy centers, as well as being the first NLP practitioner in Wales.
You can visit his sites here
The Welsh Institute of NLP
Therapist Online
NLP Training
NLP Wales