Thursday, 3 July 2008

Help protect rainforests and wildlife habitats.

The World Land Trust is a international conservation organisation who's patron is none other than David Attenborough.
World land trust has helped purchase and protect more than 300,000 acres of rainforest, wetlands and other threatened wildlife habitats worldwide by working with local indigenous peoples.
You can help them save and protect even more of our planet, by making an online donation. £50 or the equivalent saves an acre of rainforest. The rest of the donation goes to a great cause - looking after the future of this planet.

£25 helps protect half an acre of rainforest with the original 'Save an Acre' conservation charity.

Why support World Land Trust?

Because they take Direct Action to save threatened habitats.

Rainforests absorb Carbon Dioxide (CO2) the main greenhouse gas which is the main contribution towards global warming.

They take direct action to save tropical forests and other wildlife habitats: they buy it, acre by acre.

The land they buy is protected indefinitely as private reserves owned and managed by local organisations for the benefit of both wildlife and people.

Their Mission

* To protect and sustainably manage natural ecosystems of the world. To conserve their biodiversity, with emphasis on threatened habitats and endangered species;
* To develop partnerships with local individuals, communities and organisations to engage support and commitment among the people who live in project areas;
* To raise awareness, in the UK and elsewhere, of the need for conservation, to improve understanding and generate support through education, information and fundraising.

Please visit here to help the planet.

Turbo Tagger