Thursday, 3 July 2008

RU 21 Hangover cure

Here's one way of waking up with a clear head after a good night out.

RU-21 is a revolutionary dietary supplement for consumers of alcohol.

RU-21 is a safe and effective dietary supplement for consumers of alcohol developed by scientists at the Russian Academy of Science over the course of a 25 year long research project studying alcohol metabolism.

Sales of RU-21 throughout the world are now reaching record levels. Already a hit in America RU-21 is now a worldwide phenomenon! Shortly after the initial market tests monthly sales figures of RU-21 in South Korea alone topped $2.5 million.

RU-21 is an all-natural supplement that has been clinically proven to regulate alcohol metabolism in order to prevent alcohol-related damage to the vital organs of the body.

Following its U.S. launch in 2003 RU21 received coverage in hundreds of leading newspapers, magazines, and TV and radio stations in well over 100 countries, becoming the world's most publicized dietary supplement.

Naturally, success of RU-21 resulted in dozens of copycat products being rushed to market. Many of them blatantly deceive consumers by claiming superior efficacy because of a number of added ingredients.

The truth is that adding a bunch of extra ingredients, even if they have demonstrated benefits of their own, does NOT automatically enhance the formula that has a specific biochemical purpose. If it did, why not use multivitamins for every need?

In fact, adding ingredients that have no history of clinical testing on account of interaction with alcohol may result in an adverse biochemical reaction that could cause significant harm to a consumer.

RU-21 is a product of many years of research. Its clinically proven efficacy rests on synergistic effects of carefully combined ingredients in meticulously calculated amounts.


To assist the body in processing alcohol, ingredients in RU21 enable certain biochemical reactions that enhance enzyme functions of the body, while oxygenating the cells, keeping the energy levels up and metabolic pathways running properly.

RU-21 is a dietary supplement. All ingredients are considered GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) by the USFDA.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C activates anti-oxidant systems of the central nervous system, liver and hormone-active tissues and supports the adrenal gland cortex, which produces anti-stress hormones.

Succinic and Fumaric Acids
Succinic and Fumaric acids are substrates which are crucial to alcohol metabolism, and important in the Krebs cycle. Succinic and Fumaric acids boost the aerobic oxidation process in mitochondria by activating the second half-cycle of tricarboxylic acids. Succinic substrate, which is independent of NADH-dehydrogenase, prevents the toxic byproducts of ethanol metabolism from causing hypoxia, which often results from the accumulation of suboxidized metabolites, and from impeding NADH oxidation in the respiratory chain of cells.

Please note that RU-21 will not prevent you from getting drunk. It will make the following morning more pleasant.

Buy it from here